New Resolutions

Tis the season to make New Year’s Resolutions! Making new year resolutions is a time-honored tradition – and not keeping them is part of the tradition as well. Nevertheless, I am going to go ahead and make some anyways and see how well I do. Here is my list:

#1: Sharpen old skills

Code again:

I am going to work on 2 small projects each week, code and publish. Each project will be something small but useful – and hopefully introduce me to something new and interesting. The projects can be inspired by work or personal life. I am not going to hold myself to coding best practices because I am pretty sure that each project will be un-guided exploration and I wouldn’t want to be bogged down.

Write again:

I used to churn out 100-200 word articles almost every day as part of my job. It used to be highly technical and dry reading – and making it interesting and engaging was a unique challenge. It was a powerful way to learn to communicate better and I feel that that skill has atrophied. This blog is part of my goal to just write more.

#2: Get in shape

Not that I am in bad shape – but I think I can do better. So like almost everyone else, my goal is to exercise more, eat healthy and be more mindful. I am not sure how to measure this in a meaningful way yet.

#3: Contribute to the community

I’d like to engage with my community in a more meaningful and fulfilling way. Contribute my time or my money to make a small part of it better. I am going to spend some time identifying a cause which I can get behind and then find a way to support it. Hopefully its beyond just donating to a charity

And that’s it! Wish me luck!